KS3 Classical / New Testament Greek Foundation – Term 1


£7.00 per 45min lesson (£9.34 per hour). Term one of three of a one-year course.

Places still available

SKU: PX-Classics-SG-001.1 Category: Tags: ,

Course Overview

This one-year course is ideal for any student in KS3 (11-14) and above who would like to acquire the basics of Classical and New Testament Greek and to lay the foundations for further study at GCSE level. The syllabus aims to promote a firm understanding of the basics of the ancient Greek language, as well as developing interest in the Greek world of the Early Church.

The course follows the ISEB specification for Common Entrance Level 1 and 2.

Course Method

In the first term students learn the Greek alphabet and develop skills in transliteration between the English and Greek alphabets, translation from Greek to English, manipulation of basic grammar, and translation of English to Greek at a simple level. A vocabulary list is also learned.

In the second and third terms students consolidate their knowledge of the Greek alphabet and develop skills in transliteration between the English and Greek alphabets, translation from Greek to English, manipulation of more advanced grammar than at Level 1 (aorist tense, comparison of adjectives etc.), and translation of English to Greek at an appropriate level.

Students must procure the following textbook in advance: An Introduction to Classical Greek by Fred Pragnell and Kristian Waite (Galore Park Publishing, 2012, ISBN 9781905735884).

Course Details

Term 1 comprises 12 weekly lessons. Each lesson lasts 45 minutes.

This PX Classroom is held on Thursdays at 3pm (London time zone) starting from Thursday 12th September 2024. There will be no lesson during the half-term week which commences 28th October. The last lesson is due to be on 12th December 2024.


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