IGCSE Biology (Track 1) – Term 3


£8.00 per 1hr 20min lesson (£6.00 per hour). Term three of three of one of two Tracks required for IGCSE.

Places still available

Course Overview

This course covers one half of the content for the Edexcel IGCSE Biology course in one year. It is taught with the assumption that KS3 Science or equivalent knowledge has already been attained.

To cover the IGCSE content in two years Tracks 1 and 2 should both be taken, but it does not matter in which order.

To cover the IGCSE content in just one year Track 1 can also be studied alongside Track 2 in parallel.

Course Method

Class content follows the content of the current Pearson Student book (ISBN 9780435185084). Class notes will be available to all students after each lesson.

For homework students are then expected to keep up their own notebook based on what they have learned in class, on the teacher’s notes, and on the textbook. Guidance will be given as to how to do this. Along the way, where feasible, students will be encouraged to try out optional practical assignments which will be demonstrated in class.

End of unit tests will be set. A video recording is made of each lesson (with only the teacher visible) and upon request it can be made temporarily available to a student who missed the lesson.

Course Details

Due to a late Easter, Term 3 consists of two revision lessons where exam paper questions will be practised. Each lesson comprises two 40-minute sessions with a short break in between.

This PX Classroom is held on Thursdays at 2pm (London time zone), starting on Thursday, 1st May 2025 and ending on 8th May 2025.


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