GCSE Intensive Classical Greek – Term 1


£10.00 per 60min lesson. Term one of six of a two-year course.

Places still available

SKU: PX-Classics-SG-002.1 Category: Tags: ,

Course Overview

This two-year course is ideal for any linguistically able and ambitious student from about 14 and over (with no upper age limit!) who would like to learn ancient Greek from scratch and work at pace towards a GCSE qualification at the end of two years.

The course follows the OCR specification for GCSE Greek.

Course Method

Students acquire a working knowledge of the language of the New Testament by building their knowledge of vocabulary and linguistic structures and by becoming familiar with the vocabulary in the defined vocabulary list and prescribed syntax and accidence. Students learn about the world of the Early Church by studying prescribed ancient source material covering two themes of civilisation and culture.

Weekly homework is either self-marked or marked by the teacher, depending on the complexity.

For the first year, students must procure the following textbook in advance: Greek to GCSE: Part 1 by John Taylor (Revised edition for OCR GCSE Classical Greek, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2016, ISBN 9781474255172). Taylor’s second volume (Greek to GCSE: Part 2) is required for the second year.

Course Details

Term 1 comprises 12 weekly lessons. Each lesson lasts 60 minutes.

This PX Classroom is held on Thursdays at 1pm (London time zone) starting from Thursday 12th September 2024. There will be no lesson during the half-term week which commences 28th October. The last lesson is due to be on 12th December 2024.


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