Functional Skills Level 1 Mathematics – Term 2
£12.00 per 60min lesson. Term two of three of a one-year course.
Sorry. No more places left. To join the waiting list, please email the Teacher. A growing waiting list might result in another Classroom.
Important Note on Prerequisites
Please do not purchase this course until, upon completion of the PX Maths Quiz, you have received confirmation of suitability from the Teacher. That is a course prerequisite. See below for further explanation.
Important Note on Payments
As this PX Classroom is not scheduled to start until September 2024, we are not asking for payments right now. Additionally, this Classroom will only take place if a sufficient number of students reserve a place. To reserve a place, submit your order for this course as if you were going to buy it, but select ‘Direct Bank Transfer’ (not card payment) and only transfer the money much later in 2024 once the Teacher has confirmed to you that the course will indeed take place, and has published the dates and times of the lessons. If the course does not run or the stated times are not possible for you, there will be nothing to pay and your order will simply be cancelled.
Course Overview
This course teaches the skills needed to handle numbers in everyday life. When we calculate a discount, scale a recipe, work out paint quantities or understand a graph, we are using Mathematics in a ‘functional’ way.
Functional Skills Maths is taught using the contexts in which Mathematics takes place around us, which can be very helpful to many students.
Here are some examples of learning and career pathways which include Functional Skills Mathematics:
- as an alternative to KS3 Mathematics, emphasising the relevance of Mathematics to everyday life, while developing the key skills needed for future GCSE studies
- to prepare for a vocational course such as child care or construction, since Functional Skills are an accepted part of UK Apprenticeship standards
- as an entry requirement for Nursing degrees offered by some UK universities.
This course prepares students for the Edexcel Functional Skills Level 1 Mathematics exam, usually taken at the end of the third term in July. Please note that this exam cannot be taken outside the UK by external candidates. It is highly recommended that, before booking this course, you check there is a centre near you which takes external exam candidates for Edexcel Functional Skills Mathematics.
Course Method
It is a requirement that, before this course is purchased, the student must have already completed, and received feedback on, the PX Maths Quiz. This is to check that Functional Skills is the most appropriate pathway. The PX Maths Quiz is further explained and available for purchase here. This pre-course assessment also ensures that teaching meets the needs of everyone in the class.
Students will need a scientific calculator and their own copy of Functional Skills Maths Level 1 Study & Test Practice published by CGP (ISBN 9781782946328).
Homework tasks will be set each week, and topic tests completed every four to six weeks. These are all self-marked. At the end of Terms 1 and 2 there is a written assessment, which is marked by the Teacher. Two days after each lesson there is an optional Drop-In Workshop session to provide extra help to those who would like it. There is no extra charge for this workshop.
The lessons are temporarily recorded on video and can be made available to students who miss the lesson due to sickness, provided the teacher is informed before the lesson. Please note that, for an improved learning experience, students are asked to turn their cameras on during the lesson. If there are reasons why this would not be appropriate, please contact the Teacher directly.
Course Details
Term 2 covers Data, Shape, and Measure. It starts in January 2025 and comprises 12 weekly lessons. Each lesson lasts 1 hour.
This PX Classroom is held on Tuesdays at 11am (London time zone), starting on Tuesday, 14th January, 2025. There will be no lesson on 25th February due to half term. The last lesson is due to be on Tuesday 8th April, 2025. The optional Drop-In Workshop is held from 10.30am on the Thursday following a lesson.
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