A-Level History – Term 5


£12.00 per 60min lesson. Term five of six of a two-year course.

Places still available

SKU: PX-Hist-EP-010.5 Category: Tags: ,

Course Overview

This course covers the following options of the Cambridge International A-Level (9489):

Year 1

Modern Europe, 1750-1921:

  • France, 1774-1814
  • The Industrial Revolution in Britain, 1750-1850
  • Liberalism and nationalism in Germany, 1815-1871
  • The Russian Revolution, 1894-1921

Year 2

  1. Interpretations of the Holocaust
  2. Depth study: International history, 1945-92
    • US-Soviet relations during the Cold War, 1950-91
    • The spread of Communism in East and Southeast Asia, 1945-91
    • Decolonisation, the Cold War, and the UN in Sub-Saharan Africa, 1950-92
    • Conflict in the Middle East, 1948-91

No prior knowledge of the course content is required for enrolling on this course, but a qualification in GCSE History is desirable though not essential. However, because the main form of assessment for this course is essay-writing, a qualification in English Language would be needed if the student has not already done GCSE History.

Course Method

Classes involve discussions on issues related to the content covered the previous week and an introduction to the part of the specification to be covered in homework during the following week, directed particularly at developing key conceptual understandings. They also involve guidance and shared practice in writing exam-style essays.

The aim is to create a relaxed but purposeful atmosphere in which students feel free to ask questions and to share ideas with each other. Guidance is given on note-making, and templates are provided for students to use in structuring their own notes.

Students will need to purchase the Cambridge AS-Level coursebook, Modern Europe, 1750-1921 (ISBN 9781108733922), The Holocaust by Peter Neville (Cambridge University Press; ISBN 9780521595018), plus one further book for Year 2’s Depth study (advice to be given later). Tests of exam-style questions are set at the end of each topic and marked by the teacher. A bank of questions is also provided for students who wish to do extra practice and answers to these can also be submitted to the teacher for marking.

If notice is given in advance of a lesson that a student will not be able to attend, a video recording will be made, to be temporarily available after the lesson.

Course Details

Term 5 covers Decolonisation, the Cold War, and the UN in Sub-Saharan Africa, 1950-92, and Conflict in the Middle East, 1948-91. Each lesson lasts 60 minutes.

This PX Classroom is held on Tuesdays at 3.30pm and Thursdays at 8.45am (London time zone), with exact dates for Spring 2026 (and hence price) still to be confirmed.


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